HCP Anywhere for Teams uses shared folders and team folders. In many ways, shared folders and team folders work the same, but there are important differences:
Team folders
- All team members with a manager role can manage a team folder.
- All team members can download, upload, rename, or delete files.
- Team folders can be added as tabs in Teams.
- A team folder is part of the general system storage quota.
- A team folder cannot be converted to either a shared folder or a private folder.
Shared folders
- The owner of a shared folder can stop sharing the folder and make it private again.
- A shared folder does not count against the owner’s storage quota.
- Only the owner of a shared folder can manage the folder.
- Shared folders cannot be added as tabs to Teams. To create a tab of an existing shared folder in Teams, the owner of the shared folder must convert it to a team folder.
- Team members with viewer roles can download files from a shared folder, but they cannot upload, rename, or delete files.