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HCP Anywhere User Help

Configuring email notifications

You can configure HCP Anywhere to email you when certain events occur in your HCP Anywhere (for example, when you are invited to a shared folder, your storage is nearly at capacity, or a new application is registered to your account). These events help keep you immediately up-to-date when important changes occur in your HCP Anywhere account.


  • Your organization may not have HCP Anywhere configured to send email notifications.
  • The other two sections (Language and E-mail) of the Account settings window affect email notifications:
    • Emails are sent to you in the language set in the Language section. If the language is set to Use Browser Settings, emails are sent in English.
    • Emails are sent to the email listed in the E-mail section. This email was set when you first registered with HCP Anywhere.


  1. In the top right-corner of the User Portal, click your username.
  2. Click Account settings.
  3. In the Send e-mails when section of the window, select the events that you would like to receive email notifications about:
    My storage is quota is nearly used up
    HCP Anywhere sends an email when you've used up 90% of your storage quota. For information on viewing your storage quota, see Viewing storage space.
    Others invite me to a shared folder
    HCP Anywhere sends an email when another user shares a folder with you. This option is enabled by default.
    Another device has joined my account
    HCP Anywhere sends an email when a new device is added to your account.
    There are login failures
    HCP Anywhere sends an email when a User Portal login attempt with your username fails.
    Files uploaded to folders shared via links
    HCP Anywhere sends an email when another person uploads a file to a folder that you've shared using a link.
    Files and folders shared via links are accessed
    HCP Anywhere sends an email when another person accesses a link that you've shared.
  4. Click Update.