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HCP Anywhere User Help

Pausing and resuming file synchronization

If you are experiencing a lot of network traffic on your computer, you may want to pause syncing of the desktop application. When syncing is paused, the HCP Anywhere desktop application stops communicating with HCP Anywhere.

You can make changes in your HCP Anywhere folder and to your backup files and folders even when syncing is paused. However, those changes do not occur in your other HCP Anywhere applications until you resume syncing of the desktop application.


  1. If the desktop application is not running, start the application.
  2. Right-click the application icon () in the taskbar.
  3. Depending on if the application is currently syncing or not, click Pause syncing or Resume syncing.
    When syncing is paused, the desktop application icon looks like this ().


    You can also pause or resume syncing from the main page of the desktop application dashboard.