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HCP Anywhere User Help

Synchronizing shared and team folders

If you are the Owner of a shared folder, a Manager of a team folder, or a Collaborator in either, you can enable or disable file synchronization for the shared or team folder with the desktop application. When a folder is not synchronized with the desktop application, it does not use space on your computer and remains only in HCP Anywhere.

For version 3.0 of the desktop application, enabling or disabling synchronization in the User Portal does not affect the folder in the desktop application. Instead, in your HCP Anywhere folder you configure which files are saved locally to your computer and which remain remotely in HCP Anywhere.

If you are a Viewer in a shared or team folder, you cannot synchronize the folder with your HCP Anywhere desktop application. As a Viewer, you can only download files in the folder. The desktop application allows you to edit files in addition to downloading them.

For information on enabling and disabling synchronization, see Configuring synchronization for a collaborative folder.