For each file in your HCP Anywhere folder that cannot be synchronized, the section of the desktop application dashboard displays the reason why.
For information on viewing the File Synchronization Status window, see Viewing the sync status of your files.
File cannot be synced
The file cannot be synchronized because of an unknown error.
File path contains invalid characters
The file path contains one or more characters that HCP Anywhere does not allow in file names. For more information, see File names.
Maximum file size exceeded
The file exceeds a limit that HCP Anywhere enforces. For information on these limits, see System enforced values.
Maximum name length exceeded
The file exceeds a limit that HCP Anywhere enforces. For information on these limits, see System enforced values.
Maximum entries for a directory exceeded
The file exceeds a limit that HCP Anywhere enforces. For information on these limits, see System enforced values.
Maximum path length exceeded
The file exceeds a limit that HCP Anywhere enforces. For information on these limits, see System enforced values.
Maximum file count exceeded
The file exceeds a limit that HCP Anywhere enforces. For information on these limits, see System enforced values.
Storage quota exceeded
The file cannot be synchronized because there is not enough space left in your storage quota. For information on viewing your storage quota, see Viewing your space usage.
Files with this extension are not allowed to be uploaded
The file has an extension that is prohibited by your HCP Anywhere administrator.
Error occurred while attempting to sync file
An error occurred on the HCP Anywhere system while the application was attempting to synchronize the file.
Cannot sync this type of file
HCP Anywhere does not synchronize this type of file. For information on these types of files, see Unsyncable files.
File contains a virus
HCP Anywhere detected a virus in the file.
This file or folder has been added to a location where a non-syncing shared folder already exists.
For example, in the User Portal, you could have a non-syncing shared folder called Pictures that's located in a folder called Presentations. On your computer, if you create a new folder called Pictures in the Presentations folder, HCP Anywhere does not synchronize the new Pictures folder.
To fix this, rename or move the new Pictures folder.
For information on turning synchronization on or off for shared folders, see Configuring synchronization for a collaborative folder.
File in use by another application
The file is currently open or being used by a different application. HCP Anywhere attempted but was unable to synchronize the file. Close the application that's using the file.
For more information, see Considerations when using the Windows desktop app or Considerations when using the Mac desktop app.